Accessibility Policy

An elderly woman sits on a couch looking at a tablet

How Can We Help You?

Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. is firmly committed to providing accessible, quality service to all customers and visitors. Our Customer Service staff, along with the rest of our employees, have been trained to accommodate the needs of customers with disabilities.

Policies and Procedures

Upon request, we would be happy to provide policies and procedures relating to the provision of services to people with disabilities in a format that takes into account the person's disability.

If you have any questions, or would like to request any of our website materials in an alternate format, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Feedback from the public is welcomed as it may help us to identify areas that require change and encourage continuous improvement.

  • Email:
  • Mail: Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. 
    7447 Pin Oak Drive, P.O. Box 120,Niagara Falls,ON,L2E 6S9

The full Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy

To view our Multi-Year accessibility plan, please follow use the following link:

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan (Adobe PDF Document)