Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with Niagara Peninsula Energy.
Customers That May Be Affected | Initial Off Time |
An outage will be displayed on this map approximately 15 minutes after it occurs and updated every 15 minutes after that. This map includes information on power outages affecting ten or more customers that reside within 200 metres of each other. The outages reflected on the map will be those that are reported as confirmed by Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. field staff, as well as, predicted outages, which our staff are investigating, that have been reported from meter communication. Predicted outages represent areas that are possibly without power, but not yet confirmed. Customer reported outages will appear on the map during office hours. Customer reported outages that occur after hours may not appear on the map; however, on-call staff are available and will respond to the outage.
This map does not include momentary outages, also known as "auto-reclosures". This is when a Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. circuit breaker at a substation opens momentarily to allow a temporary fault or problem on the distribution system to clear (e.g. lightning strike or tree branch contact). The circuit breaker then "auto-recloses" to restore power thus avoiding a prolonged power outage or the dispatch of field personnel to restore power.
Planned work that include power outages or transferring power to another circuit in order to allow our crews to safely conduct upgrades, maintenance or repair work are displayed. We provide customers with prior notice before we interrupt service, with some exceptions such as emergency situations.
For updates, please refer to Twitter updates @NPEIHydro