eBill Campaign

A woman sits with an elderly man on the couch showing him something on an iPad and explaining it to him

Make the switch, make a difference!

For every customer that registers for eBilling between October 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024, NPEI will donate $10 to local charitable foundations. 

This is a great time to  register for eBilling! eBilling is free, secure and convenient. It’s also a great way to help the environment by reducing the amount of paper needed to print bills.

The local charities that NPEI will be donating money to will be Project Share, The Hope Centre, Community Care of West Niagara and West Lincoln Community Care.

Here are some great reasons for people to switch to eBilling:

  • You can view you billing, meter reading and usage history anytime.
  • You can view your energy usage online by the hour, day or month.
  • You have the ability to download and print your bill if needed.

Ready to make the switch? Click here to register for eBilling!

See our progress below! Help us fill the thermometer by switching to eBilling!

1000 Goal
As of February 29, 2024