Unfortunately, we are not able to proceed with your registration if you do not have the power to enter your company into a legally binding agreement with Niagara Peninsula Energy.
Although My Account is viewable on all devices, the preferred browsers are Chrome, Firefox and Safari (for Apple products).
If you are unable to view your bill, you may need to add Adobe Reader to your device. If you are still unable to view your bill, please contact us through Inquiry within My Account or directly to our office (toll free 1-877-270-3938), and we will review and ensure that you can view your bill.
As long as all account numbers are linked to one customer number, a user can view multiple accounts within the same login. If a customer has more than one customer number, they will need to register an account from each customer number OR The Customer Service Department will need to create one customer number if they are able to do so.
Yes. If you need to register multiple usernames because you have more than one account not linked to the same customer number, all can have the same email address.
No. Unfortunately, once an account has been registered with a username, another login cannot be created for that customer. Our next version of My Account will allow for multiple users against one account.
If a new customer signs up for My Account and wants to be on paper billing, they will need to contact NPEI and inform them of this change.
My Account is designed to be interactive and provide self-service for customers. Password changes can be done by navigating to Manage Account > My Profile. Email for e-Bill notifications can be changed by navigating to Manage Account > Account Contact.
The email blast for customers to reset their password has only been defined to unique emails. So if a customer uses a different username than the one the email was sent to, they can simply use the "Forgot Password" function on the other username they wish to use for My Account.
No. Usernames are unique and cannot be changed once one has been created.
The values display represents what electricity was used, not what has been generated. If you have a net meter, where you have both usage and generation, only the usage will be displayed. We are working towards displaying both the generation and net meter usage in the near future.
If you are using Google Chrome and experiencing issues opening your PDF bill, please try the following: